Ing. Peter Papcun PhD.

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 peter papcun

Ing. Peter Papcun, PhD.


Center of Applied Cybernetics

Department of Cybernetics and Artificial Intelligence

Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics

Technical University in Košice


Address: Letná 9, 042 00 Košice

Office: L535B

+421 55 602 2508

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Since January 2018, I have been head of Center of Applied Cybernetics at the Department of Cybernetics and Artificial Intelligence of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics at Technical University of Košice. From June 2015, I work at this department as an assistant professor in study programs Intelligent Systems and Business Informatics. I am also a member of the research group Intelligent Cybernetics Systems at the DCAI FEEI TU in Košice.


Research focus:

  • Industry 4.0 (Industrie 4.0 / Smart Manufacturing / Smart Industry):
    • Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS)
    • Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT)
    • Operator 4.0 (visualization systems, virtual reality, augmented reality, ...)
    • Robotics


Areas of interest:

  • Programming and algorithmization (C, C++, C#, Matlab, ...)
  • Drivers and firmware programming (C, C++, C#, Arduino, Assembler, ...)
  • Robots programming (C, MELFA V, ...)
  • Technological elements and production lines design, realization and programming (C, C++, RS Logix 5000, ...)
  • Visualization (C#, ASP.NET, FT View, InTouch, ...)



  • Past:
    • Peripheral Devices and Connection to Environment
    • Computer Systems in Control
    • Distributed Control Systems
    • Management Information Systems
    • Control of Technological Processes
  • Today:
    • Industry 4.0
    • Control and Visualization Systems
    • Repetition of Field
    • Architectures of Industrial Information Systems
    • Open Informatics for Intelligent Systems


Theses Consultations: 22


Supervisor of bachelor theses:

  • ŠIMKO, Boris: Design and Realization Applications for Simulation and Communication on Laboratory Model Mobile Suitcase - 2016
  • GAJDZIK, Miroslav: New Architectures of Industrial Information Systems - 2016
  • LEHET, Ivan: Design and Realization of Laboratory Model Smart House - 2016
  • FIGURA, Michal: Design and Realization of Communication Interface between Smartphone and Mobile Robots Khepera III - 2016
  • PETHŐ, Matúš: Design and Realization of the Tube Laboratory Model Controller - 2016
  • ABRAMČUK, Matej: M2P Interface for IoT Education Model on Web - 2017 (in preparation)
  • ČIK, Ivan: Design and Realization of IoT Education Model - 2017 (in preparation)
  • KUC, Michal: Internet of Things Household - 2017 (in preparation)
  • SEDLÁK, Damián: Design and Realization of Physical Model of Quadcopter with Basic Feedback Control - 2017 (in preparation)


Supervisor of diploma theses:

  • KAJÁTI, Erik: Design and Implementation of Control of Laboratory Model Traverza by Cloud Technology - 2016
  • ZAJAC, Maroš: Image Processing and Cloud Interaction Based on Internet of Things - 2016
  • KURUC, Peter: Design and Realization of ICS in Concept od the Industry 4.0 for Laboratory of ICS - 2017 (in preparation)
  • PETHŐ, Matúš: Control of Pneumatic Muscles in an Intelligent Rehabilitation - 2018 (in preparation)
  • ŠIMKO, Boris: Potential Uses of Micro-PLC in Industry 4.0 Concept - 2018 (in preparation)
  • ROŠKO, Richard: Augmented Reality in Industry 4.0 Concept - 2018 (in preparation)



  • Completed national projects:
    • Dynamic Hybrid Architectures in Multi-Agent Network Control Systems (VEGA č. 1/0286/11)
    • Development of Modern University Textbooks for the Core Units of Newly-Transformed Study Program "Cybernetics and Information-Control Systems" in the Second Degree of Study, In Slovak: "Vypracovanie moderných vysokoškolských učebníc pre ťažiskové jednotky nového transformovaného študijného programu 'Kybernetika a informačno-riadiace systémy' na druhom stupni štúdia" (KEGA č.034TUKE-4/2011)
    • CyberLabTrainSystem - Demonstrator and Trainer Information-Control Systems (KEGA)
    • University Science Park Technicom for innovative applications with knowledge technology support, ITMS code 26220220182, co-financed by the ERDF (2013 - 2015)
    • Package add-ons for Further Reform of Education at TU in Košice, In Slovak: "Balík doplnkov pre ďalšiu reformu vzdelávania na TUKE", AS FEU, ITMS: 26110230093, 2013-2015
    • Universities as Engines of Knowledge Society - University Students to Practice, In Slovak: "Vysoké školy ako motory rozvoja vedomostnej spoločnosti – Vysokoškoláci do praxe", ITMS: 26110230089, 2012-2015
    • CASTLE - Comfortable And SmarT Living Expanded, Tatra Bank Foundation, E-talent 2016 (project leader)
  • Completed international projects:
    • Pilot laboratory of IoT, IBM Country project, IBM 2016
  • National projects:
    • CyberLabTrainSystem - Demonstrator and Trainer Information-Control Systems - innovation (KEGA)
    • REPAIR - REhabilitation PlAtform ImpRovement, Tatra Bank Foundation, E-talent 2017
    • Quo vadis Smart Industry/Industry 4.0?, Tatra Bank Foundation, Quality of Education 2017
  • International projects:
    • Microsoft Azure Research Award: Smart Manufacturing, 2017-2018 (project leader)
    • Microsoft Azure Research Award: IoT Cloud Control – Smart Living and Smart Manufacturing, 2016-2017
    • Erasmus Plus - New Zealand - University of Auckland and USA - NIST, 2016-2018


My theses:

  • Dissertation thesis:
    • Modeling and Optimization of Robotic and Technological Production Lines (supervisor & consultant: doc. Ing.Ján Jadlovský CSc.) - 2015
  • Thesis for dissertation exam:
    • Modeling and Optimization of Industrial Robots Velocity (supervisor & consultant: doc. Ing.Ján Jadlovský CSc.) - 2013
  • Diploma (Master) thesis:
    • Control of Robot Integrated in Flexible Production Line (supervisor: doc. Ing.Ján Jadlovský CSc., consultant: Ing. Matej Čopík) - 2011
  • Bachelor thesis:
    • Realization of Feedback Control of the Light System (supervisor: doc. Ing.Ján Jadlovský CSc., consultant: Ing. Juraj Chovaňák) - 2009



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