
Ing. Martin Miškuf

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Dátum uverejnenia Autor: Martin Miškuf
Martin Miskuf 2016
 Ing. Martin Miškuf
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Katedra kybernetiky a umelej inteligencie / Department of Cybernetics and Artificial Intelligence
Fakulta elektrotechniky a informatiky / Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics
Technická  univerzita v Košiciach / Technical University in Košice
Study: PhD finished - Defense of dissertation 21. June 2018
Points of study: Advanced data analytics, Cognitive and Cloud Computing
Where I sit:  Office no. 156 ,1. floor, department DCAI (KKUI), Vysokoskolska 4, Kosice 042 00
email: Táto e-mailová adresa je chránená pred spamovými robotmi. Na jej zobrazenie musíte mať zapnutý JavaScript.
tel: +421 55 602 2749
My latest achievements:

Defense of dissertation (21.6.2018)

ukoncenie PhDCertificates

Certifikat Huawei Miskuf Creathon Oracle APMS 2016 BrazilCertifikat Cinstina Open Inovation Miskuf CISCO IoEMiskuf FPT IEEE Zahreb

Projektovy manazment IoT Hackathon Bratislava Miskuf BPMN certifikat


Work Experience, Internships, Research visits
miskuf timeline
miskuf timeline obrazky
9.2014 – 6.2018
PhD. student - Business Informatics,  Technical University of Košice
  • Team of Intelligent Cybernetics Systems , Department of Cybernetics and Artificial Intelligence, Faculty of electrical engineering and informatics
  • 16 research projects, 21 publications, 29 citations (2018)
  • Dissertation - Edge-enabled Framework for Monitoring Quality of Healthcare - Focus: IoT, data analytics, machine learning on the edge of the local network, systematic development of a framework for implementation of IoT, edge and cognitive computing principles in the Industrial IoT solutions.
1.2018 – 2.2018

Research visit,  University of Auckland, New Zealand

8.2016 – 8.2016
Huawei – Seeds for the Future,   Huawei, China
  • I had Chinese culture and language classes in Beijing and lectures with workshopsin Huawei´s headquarters in Shenzhen about mobile networks and IoT.
6.2016 – Present
Carer,   HFH Healthcare, United Kingdom
  • I was certified as a carer for patients with spinal cord injuries. I did a case study aboutIoT enabled monitoring Quality of Healthcare in a real home centered health care system.
8.2015 – 9.2015
Socialbakers - International internship ,   European union funded project
  • Prague, Czech Republic; it is a provider of social media analytic tools, statistics.I was developing classification model based on deep learning. This classifier was usedfor detection of users having higher percentages of fake followers on Twitter.
7.2015 – 7.2015
Summer school,  FPT Slovakia
  • I was a participant in summer school, where we had lectures and curses about developing business idea of StartUp. In the end, we won with a concept of the smart diabetic pump.
6.2014 – 8.2014
IT Graduate Program,  IBM Delivery Center Slovakia
  • During IT graduate program, I was an intern in the Business and Analytics department where I was working with Business intelligence solution from IBM - Cognos and Java.
7.2013 – 8.2013
Summer internship,  U.S. Steel Košice, Slovakia
  • In this summer internship, I was developing a web page used for inserting results of inspections of cranes based on ASP .Net.
5.2013 – 6.2014
Applications development for U.S. Steel Košice,  Technical University of Košice
  • I was working on several projects for U.S. Steel. These projects were mainly in C#, mobile applications for industrial barcode readers used for safety purposes and warehouses.
2014 - Present
(Defense 6.2018)
PhD. in Business Informatics,  Technical University of Košice
2012 - 2014
Master’s degree (graduated with honors) in Cybernetics and information – control systems,  Technical University of Košice
2009 - 2012
Bachelor’s degree in Cybernetics,  Technical University of Košice
Some of my Achievements - Certifications, Galleries, Startups
StartUp: We won the international IBM Hackathon 2017
StartUp: We are in the Startup centrum TUKE, Enterprise IoTNET
StartUp: 2-nd place at course organized by BEST and IBM, IoT: Smart Future
Certificate, Training Seminar Project Management Workshop, 2BCognitus
Certificate: For successfully completing Seeds for the Future Program, Huawei
StartUp: 1. place in Slovakia and 2. place in Europe, CISCO Creathon for Digital Innovation
Certificate: Open Innovation, The European Academic Network for Open Innovation
Certificate: Internet of Everything, CISCO
StartUp: 1. place at FPT Summer School, FPT Slovakia
Certificate: Business Process Manager Professional, Slovak association of business process management
Gallery: My master thesis is in the gallery of the best theses in 2014, IT SPY
Computer Skills
Moderate – (C#, Java) During my PhD. Study I was developing several research applications which were based on OOP. Moreover, I had chance to work with Java and .Net Framework during my internships in the companies like IBM or U.S. Steel Košice.
Data analytics
Advanced – (SQL, R, Python, BI solutions and Cognitive Computing) In my dissertation thesis am focusing on the process of data acquisition and data processing and analytics from IoT devices. For these purposes I am focusing on research areas like IoT, machine learning, advanced data analytics, Edge and Cognitive computing. Furthermore, in my diploma thesis I was analyzing user needs in the industrial company. I proposed data model for data warehouse and system architecture where I implemented and compared several business intelligence (BI) solutions. If I should summarize my experiences with data analytics tools,I was working with data science languages such as R, Python and software from companies like Oracle, Microsoft, IBM, Wonderware and Rockwell software.
Cloud Computing
Moderate – (Microsoft Azure, IBM Bluemix) I was developing several applications where we were using mainly IoT, database, web and machine learning services.
Server installation and administration
Moderate – (Windows Server up to 2012, Linux) During my work on the described projects, I had to work with various operating systems.
Image and Video processing
Advanced – (Adobe Photoshop, Premiere Pro) It is one of my hobbies to take photos and videos from various occasions and edit them in these programs. These skills are useful for image processing in case of computer vision tasks.
Language Skills
(C1) Effective operational proficiency, I can understand a wide range of demanding, longer texts, and recognize implicit meaning. I can express myself fluently and spontaneously without much obvious searching for expressions. During my PhD I have attended several international conferences and I have absolved international internships. For these purposes I had to do most of a paper work in English and during these occasions I had to speak mainly in English.
(A2) Elementary, I can understand sentences and frequently used expressions related to areas of most immediate relevance. I can express my ideas in simple sentences.I had German classes at grammar school, but I wasn’t practicing since I went to the university. I think that after several weeks I will be able to speak at B2 level.
(C1) Effective operational proficiency, I can understand a wide range of demanding, longer texts, and recognize implicit meaning. I can express myself fluently and spontaneously without much obvious searching for expressions. Czech language is very similar to Slovak
Personal Skills
Communication and
Organizational skills
I think that gained these skills while I was working with people in international teams. I acquired good understanding and communication during work on various projects, summer schools and internships or group assignments in international companies. As I mentioned I was working on several IT research projects where we had to co-organize meetings and fulfill deadlines. I was at several internships and I had to do most of a paperwork required by EU. Also, I am a member of IEEE Student Branch Kosice. Therefore, I helped to organize a lot of invited lectures, excursions and workshops during my PhD.
Driving license
Category B
  • 2. phase - University Science Park TECHNICOM for Innovation Applications Supported by Knowledge Technology, ITMS: 313011D232, 2015-2018
  • 1. phase - University Science Park TECHNICOM for Innovation Applications Supported by Knowledge Technology, ITMS:26220220182, 2013 - 2015
  • Inteligentné kyber-fyzikálne systémy v heterogénnom prostredí s podporou IoE a cloudových služieb, 2017-2020
  • Smart Industry/Architektúry inteligentných informačných a kybernetických systémova, 2018-2020
  • CyberLabTrainSystem - Information and Control System Demonstration and Trainer – Innovation, 2015-2017
Research Grant
  • 3. project: Decentralized IoT architecture for resource efficiency, 2017
  • 2. project: CHECkuP – Cognitive HEalthCare Platform 2016
  • 1. project: Data collection and smart industry in the Internet of Things and cloud technology 2015
IBM Country Project
  • Pilot laboratory projects - IoT with IBM, 2017
  • Transfer of IoT open cloud platform into industry , 2016
Microsoft Azure Research Award
  • Smart Manufacturing, 2017
  • IoT Cloud Control - Smart Living and Smart Manufacturing, 2016
Tatra banka Nadation
Business Idea
  • E-talent – CHECkuP - Cognitive HEalthCare Platform, 2017
  • Študenti do sveta – University of Auckland , 2017
  • Kvalita vzdelávania - Quo vadis Smart Industry / Industry 4.0, 2017
  • E-talent - REPAIR - Rehabilitation PlAtform ImpRovement, 2016
  • E-talent - CASTLE- Comfortable and SmarT Living Expanded, 2015
Publications - Scholar Google
Paper Name
Advanced Data Analytics,
Deep Learning,
Cloud Computing,
Internet of Things
Business Intelligence,
Manufacturing Intelligence
Information Control Systems,
Service Oriented Architecture
Saturday the 27th. Inteligentné Kybernetické Systémy. All rights reserved.